Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lesson #6: Your Intuitive Channels

As human beings we possess physical senses which have their energetic counterparts. We see, hear, taste, smell, and "know," therefore we can and do receive intuitive information through these senses. Depending on what our natural strengths and interests are we can develop and learn to trust these channels of guidance.

Each of us has access to all forms of intuition, but we tend to be stronger in one or two areas. For instance, a photographer sees, a musician hears, a poet feels, and a scholor thinks or knows. However, the musician might also be a strong feeler, and the scholar might have a developed visual sense. Our four main intuitive channels are: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance.

Clairvoyance is clear-seeing, and can involve having memorable and vivid dreams or visions. You may see auras, flashes of light, colors, geometric patterns, or disembodied beings, with your eyes open or closed. These images may call to mind something that you need to be aware of, or may provide useful information or direction.

Clairaudience  is clear-hearing, and this hearing can emerge as words, music, other sounds that seem to come from outside your head, or as gentle and loving messages inside your head. (These are not to be confused with the coarser voices of the ego, or the dillusional voices heard by the mentally ill).

Clairsentience is clear-feeling, and involves emotional or physical feelings. Clairsentient people tend to be emotionally sensitive and empathic, as well as particular with regard to environmental conditions, foods, fragrances, scratchy fabrics, tight clothing, other people's moods, etc. They can pick up on the vibe of a person, group or place, usually with great accuracy.

Claircognizance is clear-knowing, and is experienced through thoughts, ideas, revelations, or knowledge that seems to be downloaded into the mind. Sometimes this happens when asked a question that you didn't previously know the answer to, while writing, or upon awakening.

People who value intuition become more and more intuitive, and can be well versed in all the "clairs." They find that life is much easier and more fun when they follow their own guidance, and they tend to make good decisions. On the other hand, those who reject their hunches and gut feelings in favor of the egoic, rational mind often find themselves becoming more and more rigid and disconnected form their naturally instinctive nature. They miss cues and red flags from people and from their environment, and make many poor, if not disastrous, life choices.

This week focus on one of the above channels of guidance. Make the intention to allow information to come to you through this channel without judging it in any way. Simply notice what pops in and write down what you receive. I think you'll quickly find that the more you honor your inner guidance the stronger and more trustworthy it will become.
