Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Women, Purpose, and Self-Doubt

Last week, we talked about the unusually high occurrence of deaths, sudden illnesses, and divorces lately, and how many of us are either grieving a direct loss or tapping into a mass consciousness of loss. This week, I wanted to address a similar---and probably related---phenomenon I've noticed among women.

I've been speaking with women of various ages lately, and virtually all of them have expressed a sense of being "lost" and/or feeling that they are not fulfilling their life purpose/goals. They say that they're spread too thin and are disappointed with themselves for not being able to manage more. There's been a slightly or moderately depressed feeling among most of these women, even the ones who are usually very upbeat.

What is going on? Why, after all the good work we've done, do we feel discouraged and defeated? Why the subtle attack on our self worth? Why do we feel a loss of purpose?

I've been contemplating these questions, and even though I can't spell out why this is up right now, I do get a strong sense that we're all in a process of huge transition, that there are changes going on in the world/universe that are pushing us out of the old ways and into something new. I believe we are grieving and reassessing virtually everything, and that's bound to throw us off balance, and cause doubts and growing pains.

The message I'm getting, loud and clear, is that we (women, especially, but also men) need to be extra patient and kind with ourselves and each other right now, and find a way to appreciate who we are and what we've already accomplished.

I believe we would benefit most by allowing for a period of uncertainty, without judgment or pressure to perform or make tangible progress. You might think of this as a gestation period---a time when your most important tasks are to rest as much as possible, nurture yourself, and make space for that which is yet to come.
