Thursday, December 4, 2014

Destruction as a Necessity

Yesterday morning, I awoke with images of the Hindu goddess Kali in my head. Kali is the warlike, blue-skinned, multi-armed goddess of destruction, but she's also a mother goddess (which is curious since mother archetypes are so often associated with creation and nurturing).

There was a reason why the goddess of destruction had visited me. I'd recently taken a wrecking ball to a part of my life that hadn't been working for some time. I'd tried many times to fix it, but to no avail. It had only gotten worse. So, with no further hope, I set out on a course of destruction of what had been.

At first I was very nervous about this, as it was not my usual style, but what I discovered was that when we demolish one thing, the way is paved for something new to emerge. Whatever stagnation or stuck energy was there before has a chance to be replaced with something new and viable.

Nature, of course, has always known this. She is indifferent to destruction and creation, knowing that these forces are completely interdependent and necessary to the whole and to life itself. We humans over-associate destruction with tragedy and unfairness. And we have every reason to do so, considering our history of war, violence, and abuse of each other and the environment.

But destruction can simply be "phase one" of a beautiful new project or situation. It can be the only way to get from decay to new life. For example, I don't know if you've ever seen the home renovation shows on the HG Channel. I call this "Transformation Television," and I'm fascinated by it because it so clearly shows how what was once poor and sick can be tough-loved into it's full beauty and potential. The home owners, designers, and contractors who possess the vision to see beyond a space's apparent lack and limitations, know that demolition and other rejection of the current space is a necessary first step to transforming it. They don't have a problem with that at all, and if you've ever done any demo work, you know that it can be surprisingly satisfying.

When we engage in a seemingly destructive process for a higher purpose (meaning the highest good of all concerned), it can be transformational. And so I invite you, this week, to consider what needs to be transformed in your life, and what is necessary to carry that out. It might simply mean stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new, or it might require a sledgehammer! Your call. But as we look ahead to 2015, it's a great time to reflect and consider what changes you'd like to make in the new year.

Good luck, and don't be afraid to be bold!
