Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Do You Want to Create Heaven on Earth?

A few months ago, I started noticing people talking about their dream of experiencing or manifesting "heaven on earth." As I listened, I heard some other versions of the same theme:

  • "Ushering in a new, golden era"  
  • "Installing the new paradigm"
  • "Bringing in the new golden age" 
  • "Creating a new earth"

I was fascinated by the coincidence, so I googled "creating heaven on earth," and learned that this mission conciousness was a movement that seemed to be shared by many, many people! Who knew?

Two weeks later, I received an email announcement from The Shift Network for a free tele-summit called Co-Creating Heaven on Earth: Practical Strategies for a World that Works for All of Us, so I signed up. It started yesterday and lasts three days, but you can still register and get the recordings. I have to say that I am blown away by the list of speakers, who are some of my very favorite authors and visionaries, truly world-class change agents and messengers.

Here are a few of them:
Barbara Marx-Hubbard (Evolutionary leader)
Don Miguel Ruiz (The Four Agreements)
Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul series)
Anodea Judith (The Global Heart Awakens)
Marcia Weider (Dream University)
Patricia Albere (Mutual Awakening)
Eben Alexander (Neurosurgeon who wrote Proof of Heaven)
and my personal favorite, Tim Kelley (True Purpose Institute/True Purpose)

Since I'm excited about this co-creative movement, I thought I'd share it with you. If you're interested in catching the live talks or listening to the audios at a later time, you can register by following this link, Creating Heaven on Earth (free Summit), and enjoy joining those of us who are busy at work tranforming our world into a brighter place. Blessings to you.

(hands photo: Pixabay Stokpic)
